Santa Fe, New Mexico Hiring Budtenders

Santa Fe, New Mexico Hiring Budtenders

What are some of the main factors that play into hiring bud tenders in Santa Fe, New Mexico?

Oh, in this town of Santa Fe, New Mexico, anyone can get a job as a budtender if they have a strong customer service work history and none of their past bosses are angry at them. At least for entry level budtending position, the need for education is limited. There are some cannabis universities out there selling these courses that give you a degree that says you’re certified in cannabis. There’s no board overlooking any of this and I don’t know that any of the store owners or HR people really care. They just want somebody who’s gonna show up and sell their product for them. Now, once you get in, having some knowledge is great for longevity. And if there’s a management ladder to climb, having some knowledge will help move you up that ladder more quickly because you’ll be doing better customer service.

 The main factors that play into budtending hiring seem to be presentation, you know. Do you present as clean? Is there dirt under your fingernails? And even that doesn’t seem to be an issue in some places. Will you show up for work on time? That’s all the owners really care about. 

Let’s say I’m looking to find work in the cannabis industry. What is the best way to find opportunities? 

Man, I don’t know. I found the day gig that I have now on Craigslist. The ad was only up for two days, and then it took maybe three months of emails and phone calls to get them to even consider me. You really have to badger them. I think when people are thinking about a job in the cannabis industry, of course they think about budtending: the public facing forward role,

’cause that’s who they interact with. But there’s a ton of work behind the scenes at the stores; at the dispensaries in production, rolling pre-rolls, putting labels on things taking care of backend inventory. And then there are the brands. Go to Wyld and Bloom and Bhang and Derived and knock on their door. I don’t mean physically knock on their door. I mean virtually knock on their door with phone calls and emails and be persistent. Not a jerk, but persistent. And you’ll see some, you’ll see some response. There are a lot of businesses hiring right now on all sides. You just have to appear to be better than everybody else who’s trying to get in. Show up with your good face.

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