New Mexico’s Need For Terpene Education

New Mexico’s Need For Terpene Education

How Can People Find the Right Combination of Terpenes Best For Them?

Monk:  I’m curious about some of these products that call themselves indica or call themselves sativa and don’t list terpenes. What is it? Somewhere in their natural flavors, there are terpenes, and I’ve seen tinctures that do list ingredients and they’ll add myrcene, just myrcene and call it. That’s their sleep formula. That’s their indica. myrcene makes me anxious. That’s how my metabolism works. Now, if that’s combined with linalool and caryophyllene (which can go either way) then it’s nicely sedating. But myrcene all by itself makes me anxious; I’m a step behind in the conversation, or if I’m a playing music I’m a chord behind what’s going on. It’s an uncomfortable feeling. Myrcene is in every cannabis plant, but it’s in different ratios and in different degrees, and it’s the combination of terpenes that works for me, not individual terpenes. And we were discussing earlier what are some things that we wish people do?

For me that’s it. It’s basic terpene science so that they know what they’re asking for. Not just indica, sativa, hybrid, but do you have anything with this profile? There are some profiles that work really well for anxiety that also work well for ADHD, and there are others that work well for anxiety that exacerbate the ADHD. And I look forward to the day when we have profiles for different maladies, like a depression formula and an anxiety formula and an ADHD formula. And I don’t mean formulas in edibles so much as knowing which plants do those because we already have those. They’ve existed for thousands of years, but the science is late catching up. For you, what is it that you wish more people knew?

Will: I’m always going to go back to big scope or the root, I guess you could call it for me. I wish people knew more about the importance of that connection with nature. We can in a dispensary, in a health food store in the arena where the conversation happens, talk about that until we’re blue in the face, but I think what’s really needed in my opinion, is the knowledge that nature heals just as basic as that. That in any way, shape or form that you can open the door to nature for somebody or for yourself if you haven’t had that connection. The education, the example. That’s what I wish people knew more of. Keep it simple because mother nature’s right there, reach out, touch her experience that beauty, smell those terpenes rolling the grass, forest, bath, go for the hike. Yeah, all of it. It’s so fortifying for the system and you just feel it. As a human. Our hard drive hasn’t changed much. The software is nowadays continuously uploading the new program, but our hard drives, our bodies are the way we’re built, the cannabinoid system, it’s ancient and we’re still right there next to nature. So I think we just need to be right there next to nature

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