New Mexico CBD Farming Practices & Benefits of Sungrown

New Mexico CBD Farming Practices & Benefits of Sungrown

I will speak to two of the farmers that we work with. One is Tony Martinez, LA Leaf Organics in Farmington. His little brother, Mitch, they’re both incredible growers. They grow on their dad’s land. It’s a family operation, family owned and operated, and they have a beautiful tribe out there doing some amazing work. All the cannabis we typically source is sungrown. Obviously you get a better terpene expression with sungrown cannabis that has to experience the environment and get hardened off and become its full self, if you will. And then we also work with goldfish farms, which is Raya south of Albuquerque, same practices, no fertilizers, no pesticides, just all organic, beautifully sungrown cannabis. And what we like to do is be as close with them as we can know their practices intimately and be as confident that what they’re selecting and bringing forth to the market due to their expertise is what we really want to be looking at as far as our sativa, indica hybrid selection.

So it’s a really fun process there. We do have some projects up and coming with our source farmers, those two included and a few others, looking at specific strains that we are very interested in. And speaking to that, we’ve been working with Tony for quite a while, and his black garlic sungrown is an amazing, amazing strain for our relief formula. So our relief formula, it’s pointed towards any type of inflammation, swelling, pain, things like that. And of course, we don’t have scientific data. We’re not doctors, but what we hear is that it’s very effective and we use the black garlic specifically because not only does it have that terpene profile that matches the botanicals that are in the formulation, ginger, turmeric and Vana holy basil, which I could go on forever about those three as well, all of which reduce inflammation. They’re all anti-inflammatories.

The turmeric is, and Vana holy basil is again an adaptogen, been around for eons, doing amazing things. Turmeric is literally the king of herbs. You look up its definition of Google and it says yes, this is the one, if any, four different types of SCU men and turmeric and amazing other compounds and terpenes. It’s just, again, I have turmeric on my counter because I’ve learned that it’s just important to have in the body. So the black garlic strain actually also has a high CBG content, which as we know can a bigger roll, which as we know speaks to the same use case, which simply put on our packages relief. It has almost a 10 to one content, this particular sungrown black garlic that we got from Tony Martinez, a La Leaf Organics. So we’re finding these beautiful little windows in time here in New Mexico with the growers who are just magicians and being able to snap a picture of that beautiful strain that’s come out with these amazing ratios of terpenes and the seas.

I call them the compounds, the THC, CBD, CBG, CBN, and we just have a lot of fun with that and are always kind of on the cutting edge of what’s being grown and what we really want to put into our foundational formula. So it’s a bit of a mix match where we get a hundred percent lock-in sometimes, and sometimes we have to go with what looks like the best one. I’d say most of the time they’re light years ahead of what’s being done in the industry as far as intention put into what THC source alone, even from distillate perspective, much less live rosin and everything that’s going on with live rosin. I did want to bring up, because you mentioned it, the distillate scenario in the market, and there’s a lot of products out there that do have hybrid sativa indica on the package, but the content in the product itself is a distillate, and I really want to put that out there because that’s a misnomer. If there isn’t a terpene profile, if there aren’t other compounds existing in that product and it is a distillate, how can it be considered an indica to the same point a customer comes into you and asks for an indica, but they may not know the terpene that actually makes them feel good in the indica. And it could be an indica leaning hybrid that is really the best strain for them. Or a certain combination.

It could even be a sativa that has that terpene and high content because it wasn’t necessarily an indica dominant terpene profile in the original one, whatever that one was that they found one day. It’s quite a science and people like yourselves are really doing the amazing work. And I’m jealous most of the time of the position. I get to bring amazing products to the bud tenders. But those conversations that are being had, those educational moments are just so important, so incredible in the health space right now, in the quality of life and wellness evolution that I believe is happening in the country. And it’s a beautiful thing to be able to support you guys in what you’re doing

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